
  • How to reach Erice. A limousine or a bus of the Ettore Majorana Centre (EMCSC) will be available provided that you have properly informed the organization committee no later than April 1st. On your arrival at the airport you shall look for the driver of the EMCSC who is waiting for you and shall carry you to Erice. He will be there showing about the poster of the INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL ON NONEQUILIBRIUM PHENOMENA.


    Via Guarnotta, 26 - 91016 ERICE (Sicily) - Italy
    Phone: +39-0923-869133 Fax: +39-0923-869226


  • Missing driver. In case the driver is not there within half an hour after your arrival, you shall call the Secretariat of the EMCSC (phone no.: 0923 869133) for instructions. NB: the cost of a trip to Erice by taxi may not be reimbursed unless the trip has been authorized by the EMCSC.


  • Check-in. On your arrival please contact the reception desk, where you will be asked to fill the registration form; then you will be handed a course package (folder) and your EMCSC badge. A porter will take to your accommodation. The reception desk is located at the EMCSC main building (San Rocco).


  • Payment. The contribution towards local expenses should be paid to the Directors within 24 hours of your arrival. The Directors office is located in the court of the EMCSC main building (San Rocco). Payment must be done cash.


  • Badge. You are asked to wear your badge at all times, inside the EMCSC as well as outside, especially at restaurants, during excursions, social events and shopping.
  • Restaurants. Meals are free at a few selected restaurants – you just have to show your badge and sign a list provided by the restaurant. Beverages and dishes not included in the EMCSC menu should be paid for as "extras". An updated restaurant list will be given to you with the registration folder. If you need a special menu (vegetarian, kosher, etc.), you shall negotiate directly with the restaurant (the EMSCS staff will be glad to offer their assistance).


  • Accompanying persons. Rooms in Erice are limited. For this reason persons accompanying accepted applicants are in general considered as regular participants with the same benefits and duties: they are requested to pay a reduced fee and to wear the EMCSC badge.


  • Other information. Upon your arrival at EMCSC, after registration, please read carefully: (1) the material in the folder concerning the regulations of the EMCSC, meals, the location of restaurants working for EMCSC, etc.; (2) the specific information about the workshop posted in the lobby of San Rocco (location and starting time of lectures, program, social events, etc.).


  • Smoking is forbidden inside all the facilities of the EMCSC (San Rocco, San Domenico, San Francesco), including the rooms.


  • Dress. Erice is located about 800 m above sea level, on top of a mountain next to the sea. In the evenings in Erice may be cold and, occasionally, foggy or/and windy. Pack extra warm clothing and good jogging/walking shoes (recommended on occasion of most excursions as well as to walk on the Erice slippery pavements). No formal dress is requested in any social event, banquet included.


  • Shopping. Celebrated wines, cookies, ceramics, coral jewels and other Erice souvenirs may be purchased in some (not all) shops with a 10% discount (just show the EMCSC badge).


  • Music. EMCSC facilities host two old (occasionally in tune) pianos. Participants playing portable instruments are encouraged to bring them along (with the scores). Classic or folk music sessions are often organized in San Rocco, especially after some glasses of Marsala wine.


  • Technical facilities. Moderate xerox-copying is free. A limited number of PC’s and internet terminals are available to participants. The EMCSC is equipped with power-point/pdf projector facilities.


  • EMCSC Personnel. The EMCSC relies on local staff, reduced in number but extremely efficient, ready to solve all difficult problems which may arise (travel ticket & reservation changes, PC facilities, visa, medical care, police, etc.). The reference person is Mr. Pino Aceto. For all technicalities concerning the workshop there is a School Secretariat office at San Rocco next to the Marsala Room.