This conference brings together leading experts from around the world to explore cutting-edge topics in condensed matter physics, including non-equilibrium phenomena, topological materials, superconductivity, and superfluidity. Special attention will be given to dynamic phase transitions, exotic superconducting states, and the interplay of topology and correlations in novel materials. The event provides a unique platform for fostering collaboration between theorists and experimentalists, sharing the latest advances, and inspiring innovative applications. Sessions will include invited talks, poster presentations, and focused discussions to engage participants and promote new ideas.
The conference will take place in Erice (TP), Italy, from April 27 to May 1, 2025, hosted at the
Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture
as part of the
10th Course of the International School of Nonequilibrium Phenomena,
Applications and
Theoretical aspects on: Non-Equilibrium Phenomena, Topology,
Superconductivity, and Superfluidity (TOPNESS25)
Directors of the School: A. Lanzara, G. M. Palma, B. Spagnolo
Directors of the Course: R. Citro, C. Guarcello, D.
Andrea Caviglia, University of Geneva (CH)
Roberta Citro, University of Salerno (IT)
Eugene Demler, ETH Zurich (CH)
Claudio Guarcello, University of Salerno (IT)
Michael Stern, Bar-Ilan University (IL)
Davide Valenti, University of Palermo (IT)
Bernardo Amoruso, University of Salerno (IT)
Roberta Citro, University of Salerno (IT)
Duilio De Santis, University of Palermo (IT)
Giovanni Di Fresco, University of Palermo (IT)
Vincenzo Di Marino, University of Salerno (IT)
Ofelia Durante, University of Salerno (IT)
Claudio Guarcello, University of Salerno (IT)
Alfonso Maiellaro, University of Salerno (IT)
Mattia Trama, University of Salerno (IT)
Davide Valenti, University of Palermo (IT)
Ramon | Aguado | ICMM-CSIC, Madrid, (ES) |
Luigi | Amico | QRC at TII, Abu Dhabi (AE) & University of Catania (IT) |
Natan | Andrei | Rutgers University (US) |
Giuliano | Benenti | University of Insubria (IT) |
Nicolas | Bergeal | ESPCI, Paris (FR) |
Alessandro | Braggio | CNR-NANO & NEST, Pisa (IT) |
Angelo | Carollo | University of Palermo (IT) |
Luca | Chirolli | QRC at TII, Abu Dhabi (AE) |
Francesco | Ciccarello | University of Palermo (IT) |
Giulia | Del Pace | LENS, Firenze (IT) |
Stefania | De Palo | ICTP, Trieste (IT) |
Dario | Ferraro | University of Genova (IT) |
Claudio | Giannetti | Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Brescia (IT) |
Michele | Governale | Victoria University of Wellington (NZ) |
Marco | Grilli | University of Rome "Sapienza" (IT) |
Milena | Grifoni | University of Regensburg (DE) |
Rosario | Lo Franco | University of Palermo (IT) |
David | Neilson | University of Antwerp (BE) |
Elisabetta | Paladino | University of Catania (IT) |
Mauro | Paternostro | University of Palermo (IT) |
Luis A. | Pena Ardila | University of Trieste (IT) |
Carmine Antonio | Perroni | University of Napoli (IT) |
Gloria | Platero | ICMM-CSIC, Madrid (ES) |
Nicola | Poccia | University of Napoli (IT) & Leibniz IFW Dresden (DE) |
Luca | Salasnich | University of Padova (IT) |
Pascal | Simon | Université Paris-Saclay, Orsay, France |
Daniela | Stornaiulo | University of Napoli (IT) |
Fabio | Taddei | CNR-NANO & NEST, Pisa (IT) |
Niccolò | Traverso Ziani | University of Genova (IT) |
To be announced
Please, download the template in order to prepare your abstract and send it (in doc or docx format) to the conference email
NOTE THAT THE PARTICIPANTS ARE REQUIRED TO ATTEND THE WHOLE CONFERENCE. The organisation committee may discard the participants who do not respect this condition.
BE CAREFUL: The organizing committee does NOT rely on any third-party agency to provide your lodging.
All participants must register by filling out this form.
The deadline for registration is March 14th.
The contribution for local expenses amounts to EUR 150€ per night.
This amount covers full board, lodging and local transportations, provided by EMFCSC to all participants for the whole duration of the Conference.
Participants have to be lodged in one of the structured provided by EMFCSC. Young participants might be requested to share the room.
Methods of payment for the local expenses:
**Bank account of Ettore Majorana Center:
HOLDER: Fondazione Ettore Majorana e Centro di Cultura Scientifica
BANK: Unicredit Private Banking S.p.A.
STREET: Via Garibaldi 9 - 91100 Trapani, Italy
IBAN: IT 47 I 02008 16407 000600000655
BANK TRANSFER DESCRIPTION: "Name Surname" - 10th Course of the International School of Nonequilibrium Phenomena - Applications and Theoretical aspects on: Non-Equilibrium Phenomena, Topology, Superconductivity, and Superfluidity (TOPNESS25)
Registration should be performed after you have bought your flight ticket. Its main purpose is to book your accommodation at the Majorana Centre and the airport transfer (from either Palermo or Trapani airport). Please be sure that the info you provide is accurate and complete.For general questions regarding the conference please contact the organisers at